Save my bussines that i started from 0,we just get hard time,i just dont wanna quit, we are payments back on our warehouse 3 mounths. Thank you in advance.
Save my bussines that i started from 0,we just get hard time,i just dont wanna quit, we are payments back on our warehouse 3 mounths. Thank you in advance.
Na co budete dnes sbírat peníze?
"Quality Craftsmanship, Endless Comfort" - Pledge to our fundraise and experience the comfort and luxury of professionally upholstered furniture.
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Zvýšíte tak důvěryhodnost svého fundraisera a zapojení dárců.
Hello everyone, my name is Mure Aihan and i am the founder and ceo, marketing, Working all in one for my Company called Mobila Dobrogea. "Every Stitch Counts" - Your donation makes a difference in every stitch we put into our upholstery projects.(
We do upholstery furniture by demand, în the last 6 mounths we get some hard time, all kind of problems you can meet when you have a bussines started from 0,after 6 years of making trough all problems i have to write this words în hope that someone will show up to help us. Thank you in advance.

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Vytvořte sledovací odkaz, abyste zjistili, jaký dopad má vaše sdílení na tuto sbírku. Zjistěte více.
Nabídky/aukce 1
Koupit, podpořit, prodat, přidat.
Koupit, podpořit, prodat, přidat. Více informací na
Vytvořil organizátor:
600 €