id: wc6ncy

Na kobinezon rebitciny nocznieszy strowany ertrdam

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fundraiser on behalf of organisation:


Dear Sir or Madam, Zbigniew Balak, I am asking for your help and support because I broke my leg for the first time in 2017 and since then I have been walking on two crutches until 2022 when I broke my leg for the second time and after the operation I was in hospital and I had respiratory failure and congestive pneumonia and it also affected my vocal cords. rze dostalem udaru muszczku j od tamtei pory jerzdze na wusku jwlckim a mam3szasze choczasz troche poruszac się o dwuch kulach jest taki kobinezon rebitciny nocznieszy strowany ertrdami etrnicznymi przes koputer if you could help me to move around on two crutches and I am also on medication, I would have more time to spend with my son, I am very much asking for your help.

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