id: vbyryj

Help our neighbours

Help our neighbours

Inactive donations - the required operation of the Organiser of the fundraiser. If you are an Organiser - log in and take the required action.

Support your passion. Regularly.



Hey there, Our neighbours(a family of five) father died 2 days ago. The family now with 1 mom, 3 boys(aged 6,13,16), and 1 dog won’t be able to survive in the winter if they dont raise enough money. We need to collect cash as fast as possible and surprise it to them, because its very likely they won’t even be able to survive through Christmas! Please help us raise at least 1000$ to save them. Thank you, and have a great day. <3


Sveiki, mūsų kaimynų(5 žmonių šeima)vaikų tėvas mirė užvakar. Dabar šeima(1 mama, 3 berniukai, 1 šuo) turi labai mažai šansų išgyventi dėl mažo atlyginimo. Reikia surinkti bent jau 1000 Eurų arba jie net nesugebės pragyventi kalėdų! Ačiū jums, net jeigu atsiūstumėte vieną euriuką, labai padėtų. Ačiū, ir geros dienos <3

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Benefits of a recurring donations:
The Organiser receives 100% of your funds - we do not charge any fee
You remain in full control - you can stop the support at any time without any obligations
The Organiser can fully focus on his work
You get permanent access to posts and a special distinction
You don't have to remember about the next payments
It's easier than you think :)


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Inactive donations - operation of the fundraiser's Organiser required. If you are a Organiser - log in and take the required action.


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