id: va3dca

Renovating my brother's apartment

Renovating my brother's apartment

Neaktívne dary - požadovaná operácia organizátora zbierky. Ak ste Organizátor - na stránke sa prihláste na a vykonajte požadovanú činnosť.
Tento fundraiser nemá pokladničku
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Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
*Suma vyjadrená v eurách na základe váženého priemeru darovaných prostriedkov vo všetkých menách. Ďalšie informácie nájdete aj na stránke


Hello, my name is Arwa and I ask for your support for my brother, my sister-in-law and their one-year-old son.

Please take a few minutes for me.

My brother and I bought an old apartment building two years ago with the aim of living there with our parents and our family.

My parents, my brother's family and mine would each live in one apartment.

We planned to renovate the entire house and do a lot ourselves.

We accomplished a lot but unfortunately we still haven't finished it.

We got to know great companies that did great work, but unfortunately we also had to deal with a bad company.

All of this on one page.

Why I'm asking for help is this:

My brother has been working full time for 2 years and lovingly looked after his wife and family. They both had a very stressful pregnancy. My brother took care of his parents, worked full time, had a mini job and worked on the house.

I became pregnant and to this day I can no longer do much work around the house for health reasons. I had an operation a week ago and what little I was able to do before the operation I can no longer do.

My brother finished my apartment alone, he plastered the rooms, painted the electrical cables, installed them... He did almost everything in the house.

Now he has reached his limits. His knees give out, his thumb gives him problems and yet he tries everything to keep going.

At the moment the roof over his apartment is being renovated and again he is doing a lot to save costs.

The money has now been used up and I would really like to see him finish his own apartment.

At the moment my brother and his family live in a room with my parents.

I see my nephew taking his first steps and he doesn't have the space to play.

I'm asking for your help so that my brother, his wife and son can finally move into his finished apartment.

My goal:

I want to save enough money so that we can finish her bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and the children's room. I would like to hire a company to plaster, paint and tile all the walls so that my brother has more time for his family and can finally take care of himself.

Thank you for your time!

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.


Nikto zatiaľ nevytvoril pokladničku pre túto zbierku. Vaša pokladnička môže byť prvá!


Zatiaľ žiadne dary, buďte prvý, kto prispeje!

Zatiaľ žiadne dary, buďte prvý, kto prispeje!

Neaktívne dary - potrebná operácia organizátora zbierky. Ak ste Organizátor - prihláste sa a vykonajte požadovanú činnosť.


2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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