Prezeráte si strojovo preloženú verziu našej webovej stránky. Upozorňujeme, že tak robíme výlučne pre vaše pohodlie a že pôvodným jazykom našej webovej stránky a celej našej komunikácie je len angličtina. Hoci sme... čítaj viac vynakladáme maximálne úsilie na zabezpečenie vysokej kvality prekladu, nezaručujeme však, že bude jednoznačný alebo bezchybný. Ak sa vám zdá akýkoľvek obsah na tejto webovej lokalite nezrozumiteľný, zmeňte jazyk webovej lokality na angličtinu. Ak budete naďalej používať túto preloženú verziu, všetky správy, ktoré od nás dostanete, budú na rovnakom základe tiež strojovo preložené do vášho jazyka.
Hello everyone! In my life, I never expected that this could happen and I would have to ask for help from a stranger. If everyone was compassionate and helpful, the world would be more beautiful for each of us. I am asking for your help so that I can pay for my master's studies, the amount is 5000€. I tried to apply everywhere I could, but no one has the possibility to lend such an amount. I am an orphan, I have achieved everything in life with my own hands. I lost my mother when I was 16 for reasons only known to her, but I never gave up and pursued an education to create a better future for myself. But it happened that I have to pay for my master's studies, because if I don't pay I will be expelled from the university. The university delayed the payment as long as it could, but could no longer. I am really asking for your help. I'm very worried, I can't sleep at night and I don't know how many days I've cried because I'm just in a hopeless situation.. I'm asking for each of you's help so that I will be able to continue my studies and get my master's degree. Thank you so much for all your support and help! I will be grateful for the rest of my life… 🥺🙏