id: ddaek2

Pay late payments

Pay late payments

Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
*Suma vyjadrená v eurách na základe váženého priemeru darovaných prostriedkov vo všetkých menách. Ďalšie informácie nájdete aj na stránke


Hi, I'm asking for public help because I can't manage by myself anymore. I had my buisness, got robbed, and essentially lost everything. Now I work paid job, but can't get back on my feet because of debts and late payments. Every month my family struggle to pay bills, and if something unexpected happens that kicks us down hard. I currently have all my belongings pawned to keep us fed and under the roof, but it's getting bad. I don't ask for someone to cover all my debts, I only need help for covering late payments, I will try to get on track from than on my own, but now I really need help before my family is torn apart. In my country noone will help untill I live on a street and children is under goverment protection, till than I'm considered person capable on managing on my own. At current rate I don't know how long my familly will last. Month, two maybe, but soon my landlord will evict us and I will be subject for forcefull debt collection, thus freezing my bank account and limiting withdrawls and than I won't be able to pay for anything.

I know that many people live worse, why should You help me? I would say that the one who seek, finds, i belive that out there are many people living rellatively careless life and for them to spare some small ammount would be life changing for me.

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.



Nikto zatiaľ nevytvoril pokladničku pre túto zbierku. Vaša pokladnička môže byť prvá!


Zatiaľ žiadne dary, buďte prvý, kto prispeje!

Zatiaľ žiadne dary, buďte prvý, kto prispeje!



2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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