Fill the Street Cat Soup Kitchen Food Pantry
Fill the Street Cat Soup Kitchen Food Pantry
Podporte svoju vášeň. Pravidelne.
Sarah’s Street Cat Soup Kitchen provides over 100 meals a day to abandoned, underfed and homeless street cats in a small rural village in Bulgaria.
Your help is desperately needed to keep the food pantry in enough supplies to ensure that none of these innocent souls goes to sleep with an empty belly.
By sponsoring A Meal a Month for 15 euros, or making a any donation towards the Soup Kitchen’s food pantry, you will free up vital funds that will enable Sarah to continue neutering and giving veterinary care to all in need.
You can follow Sarah’s mission here:
For the love of animals ❤️
Thank you

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Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na túto zbierku finančných prostriedkov. Zistite viac.