€ for Advent Run
€ for Advent Run
Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
As a group of running enthusiasts, we are raising funds to take part in a running event during the Advent period. The funds will be used to pay for entry fees, transport costs, food,...
Thank you to everyone who donates. With every € we get closer to our goal.
P.S.: who knows, maybe we'll meet at a run near you ;)
Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na tento fundraiser.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na tento fundraiser.