id: 7857be

Airline tickets for the 12th International Choir and Orchestra Festival in Poreč

Airline tickets for the 12th International Choir and Orchestra Festival in Poreč

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*Suma vyjadrená v eurách na základe váženého priemeru darovaných prostriedkov vo všetkých menách. Ďalšie informácie nájdete aj na stránke


Dear All,


It is with great joy and pride that we would like to share with you the extraordinary opportunity that lies ahead of us. In the spring of next year, the 12th International Choir and Orchestra Festival will take place in charming town of Poreč in Istria region of Croatia. Our incredibly talented senior choir of the “Amicus” Association from Dzierzążnia Commune has the opportunity to take part in it.


Together we are preparing a repertoire that will provide us with unforgettable musical experience. It is a great honor for us to be able to perform at such a renowned festival. However, we need your help to make our dreams come true and allow about 20 people from the choir and orchestra to travel with us.

Unfortunately we don’t have enough funds to finance a trip to Croatia. That is why we sincerely ask for your support. Every donation, small or large, will help make our dream come true. Your generosity will help us cover the costs of travel, accommodation, meals and other necessary expenses related to participation in the festival.

pC4qDd2r8xiniNBh.pngSeniors of the “Amicus” Association from Dzierzążnia Commune is a group of people who are full of passion, energy and love for music. Our long-term practice and commitment make each of our performances unique. For over ten years, our conductor Łukasz Zarzycki has been creating a place of incredible joy where singing connects our hearts. We wish to share our love for music with a large audience on the scene of an international festival.

That is why we turn to you, dear friends, asking you to support our fundraiser. Your generosity will make our dream a reality.

Help us raise funds necessary to cover the cost of air tickets for the trip to the 12th International Choir and Orchestra Festival in Poreč.

We thank you with all our hearts for your support and we trust that our dreams of performing at a festival in Croatia will become a reality thanks to your generosity.


Yours faithfully,


"Amicus" Association of the Dzierzążnia Commune

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2500 znaky
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