I Need Support
I Need Support
Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
Hello! My name is Stancu Ionela and I am 33 years old. I need your support to buy a home. I am a nurse, working hard to cope with rent and expenses. A year ago, I had surgery on both eyes. I was suffering from myopia, a disease that started in childhood and began to accelerate rapidly, to the point where I couldn't see two meters ahead. I had to take out a bank loan to cover the quite expensive surgery. Now, unfortunately, it is very difficult for me to manage my rather low salary and live from month to month. Any amount you can offer would be of real help to me. Thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart.

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na túto zbierku finančných prostriedkov. Zistite viac.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na túto zbierku finančných prostriedkov. Zistite viac.