id: 3bu77d

Much needed vacation after severe illness

Much needed vacation after severe illness

Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
*Suma vyjadrená v eurách na základe váženého priemeru darovaných prostriedkov vo všetkých menách. Ďalšie informácie nájdete aj na stránke


After going through a difficult period we really need a break.

After pension we moved to Croatia and everything went fine. We rented a house with an extra apartment to rent out to

tourists. That way we were able to live an easy live and enjoy it. Unfortunately, after a while the landlord cancelled the lease agreement, and we had to move what costs us a lot of out savings. Meanwhile my girlfriend got diagnosed with a brain tumor so we had to find a place to live and fight this disease. We managed to find a new, way to far expensive house, but most importantly after treatment, including surgery, my girlfriend survived and is tumor free now.

But again we had to move and now found an apartment but still was on the limit of our budget. The last savings were spent

on moving and we hoped now to live a relaxed and easy retired live.

Unfortunately, now I got diagnosed cancer with a tumor in my rectum and spreading’s to my liver. I started with

chemo treatment, and it seemed to go well. So it was decided to start radiotherapy in combination with oral chemotherapy. Unfortunately my body didn't act as expected and I underwent a life saving surgery to create a stoma.

Now I'm waiting on continuing the therapy and only can hope that at some point something positive happens.

We planned an USA vacation before all this happened and with our savings this would be no problem. But unfortunately

our savings were all spend on movement costs, making live easier during treatment , and so on. So it doesn't look we can go on our dreamed USA trip when I recover.

The whole idea now is to collect money for our dream trip, after a hopefully recovering, with this crowdfunding.

We hope our dream comes through.

Thank you

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