Save my bussines that i started from 0,we just get hard time,i just dont wanna quit, we are payments back on our warehouse 3 mounths. Thank you in advance.
Save my bussines that i started from 0,we just get hard time,i just dont wanna quit, we are payments back on our warehouse 3 mounths. Thank you in advance.
Na čo budete dnes zbierať finančné prostriedky?
"Quality Craftsmanship, Endless Comfort" - Pledge to our fundraise and experience the comfort and luxury of professionally upholstered furniture.
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Zvýši sa tým dôveryhodnosť vášho fundraisera a angažovanosť darcov.
Hello everyone, my name is Mure Aihan and i am the founder and ceo, marketing, Working all in one for my Company called Mobila Dobrogea. "Every Stitch Counts" - Your donation makes a difference in every stitch we put into our upholstery projects.(
We do upholstery furniture by demand, în the last 6 mounths we get some hard time, all kind of problems you can meet when you have a bussines started from 0,after 6 years of making trough all problems i have to write this words în hope that someone will show up to help us. Thank you in advance.

Zatiaľ nie je k dispozícii žiadny opis.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na túto zbierku finančných prostriedkov. Zistite viac.
Vytvorte prepojenie na sledovanie, aby ste zistili, aký vplyv má vaše zdieľanie na túto zbierku finančných prostriedkov. Zistite viac.
Ponuky/aukcie 1
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Vytvoril organizátor:
600 €