Travel to move with my fiancee
Travel to move with my fiancee
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Hello awesome people!
My name is Stefano but my mates call me Stefan. I'm Australian-Italian and currently living in Italy. It'sbeen over 7-8 years since I last was in my lovely Australia and over 4 years without seeing my beautiful and talented fiancee, Alicia.
Alicia is currently studying in Melbourne to become an Environmental Engineer but she's already achieved many things in the field,like overseeing and helping in the installation of a water grid system in a recently build sustainable farm her aunt and uncle built as well as convincing a community to start funding solar pannels and linking them with the appropiate contacts for it.
As for me? I love the ocean deeply and it fascinates me. Both of my home countries (Italy and Australia) are sea nations after all hehe :D I'm on my way to become a Marine Biologist and I believe there's so much we could and must do for the ocean and to preserve life in it, most of this planet is water after all.
Due to covid-19, my family situation crumbled here in Italy and we almost found ourselves homeless. My mother's gelateria had to close and she lost all her savings. We are currently struggling a bit but we are fighters and I know we'll make it. I came across this site nonetheless and decided to give it a chance.
I love Alicia and we want to marry and together finish our careers and change this world for the better, help our planet and dedicate our lives to it. I wish to move to Australia, to her, and finish my studies. Sadly with every month, my super low wage here goes to pay rent and costs... Italy has a hard situation for young people and any Italian youth reading this will relate.
I kindly share my heart and this story with you all and ask for your help in bearing the costs of flying over there and also running the costs of the paperwork and certificates I'll need in order to convalidate courses and enroll at uni. I already managed a scholarship but I just can't save for those costs and with every passing day I feel stuck here and without her we both suffering our own pain.
Thank you for your time if you read all that... I'm sorry :] hehe I know I write a LOT. Have an awesome day or evening, mate :D

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