Be able to pay for my husbands doctors appointments and a surgery, a buss pass so he can travel to the hospital and to pay for all the different bills that has gone to different collections agiencies so we dont become homeless
Be able to pay for my husbands doctors appointments and a surgery, a buss pass so he can travel to the hospital and to pay for all the different bills that has gone to different collections agiencies so we dont become homeless
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Opis zrzutki
Due to unfourtionate circumstances we are about to get homeless because we dont get any help at the moment, our bills has even gone to different collection agiencies , we barely can afford to eat. And my husband needs surgery and checkups because he has a rare Gene disease witch can cause cancer if not followed up properly. He also needs a buss pass so he can travel back and forth to the hospital.

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Stwórz swój własny link do promocji zrzutki i sprawdzaj ile osób odwiedziło i wsparło tę zrzutkę z twojego polecenia! Dowiedz się więcej.