id: xr4fbz

Get the dreams.of my life having a business build on model airplanes and represent in my country the Segull Models Company

Get the dreams.of my life having a business build on model airplanes and represent in my country the Segull Models Company

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*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

I'm a aiplanes model lover and I have a dream to have a campany that sells and builds from scratch airplane models like Seagull Models Company in Vietnam builds. The idea is first be the distributors of their models in my country and Europe and build a newfactory here and produce the high quality and high demand models that this company produces and sell. This is a dream that I have since boy and now is the best time to have my dream business and start a new life for me and my family.

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