id: wdfx5y

Colorful House of Hope

Colorful House of Hope

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

A collection for the construction of a support center for homeless, excluded and poor children - the Open Door House We are looking for people with a big heart who want to help children in need! There are many children on our planet who do not have the warmth of family or a safe place to live. Thanks to your generosity and sacrifice, we want to build a support center - the House of Open Doors. The Open Door House will be a safe place where homeless and excluded children can come and receive food, shelter and emotional support. We believe that every child deserves a chance for a dignified life and the opportunity to develop. That is why we are asking you to support our fundraising. Building the center requires a lot of money, but with your help we are sure we can do it! Every zloty donated brings us closer to realizing this dream. How can you help? You can make any donation to our crowdfunding platform, where we have created a special campaign for the Open Door House. Every amount, even the smallest, makes a huge difference! We also appeal to companies and organizations that want to support our initiative. Your support will have a huge impact on the future of these children. Remember that every child deserves to feel safe and loved. Therefore, we wholeheartedly ask you to participate in our collection. We are convinced that together we can change the lives of these children and give them a chance for a better future. Together we will achieve a miracle - together we will create an Open Door House for homeless, excluded and poor children! God bless All

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2500 znaków
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