id: sxzntx

"So that adopted dogs can live better"

"So that adopted dogs can live better"

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*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

More and more doggies are finding their second home through adoption. We admire all the caregivers who take this step. It's a beautiful gesture, thank you for your big hearts.


We also know that adopting dogs often comes with significant challenges that caregivers are not prepared for when they take a dog from a shelter/foundation. We also know that sometimes, for these very reasons, dogs return to the places they were adopted from.

he most common reasons for giving up an adopted dog are:

  1. Hyperactivity.
  2. Aggression towards family members or other animals.
  3. Lack of obedience.
  4. Destructive behaviors of the dog, e.g. chewing furniture.
  5. Human health problems.
  6. Additional costs associated with dog maintenance.


To prevent such situations from happening, we want to offer you consultations with a professional dog trainer. This person will support you during the most challenging, initial moments of having the dog in your new home. They will help you build a relationship with your furry friend based on cooperation and trust, and explain how to love your dog wisely.


We aim to raise 1 500 EUR, which will allow us to provide each of the 11 families with 5 hours of consultation with an experienced trainer. During these sessions, caregivers of adopted dogs will learn how to care for the needs of their dogs, how to communicate with them, how to raise them, and how to solve any potential issues. All of this is in order to ensure that "...both dogs and you can have a better life."


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