id: n7h49f

Need to pay hold bills and moms funeral

Need to pay hold bills and moms funeral

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

I was passing a bad moments in life divorced and bills voming all over me ..... after tryed take my daughter to my side the judge dsnt give me the chance so i was spending money on journeys and fighting with the solicitor with a lot off profs was showed but the judge even want to see them .... and last mounth my moms pass away and the funeral costs trips to uk to solve all paperworck have been a night mare so im giving a try on this all type off help is gonna be apreciated so 20 10 1 2 3 cents anything it will be helpfull thanks

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2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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