The world through touch
The world through touch
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Opis zrzutki
We discovered this place in February 2023 when we went to Ukraine to distribute gifts. School No. 100, located in Lviv, is a remarkable learning institution for blind children. From the very first moments, it captured our hearts and enchanted us. The teachers' approach, the smiles on the children's faces, and the familial atmosphere are rarely encountered in educational settings. The school's director, Mrs. Irenka, who was once a student at this school during her internship. Her love for this place led her to return as a teacher, and she now serves as its director. Founded in 1851 by the Polish Count Wincent Zaręba-Skrzyński for his blind son, the school currently accommodates and educates 86 students, 80% of whom are completely blind.
Most of the teachers are themselves graduates of the school or have parents who attended it. They have returned for the sake of the children, for the magic that exists there, for the family they have formed together. They don't work for money; they work out of passion, out of love. Despite salaries amounting to a maximum of $300 per month, they come to teach with a smile.
The students are grateful for the opportunity to learn. For blind children, this is their only means of exploring the world, of "seeing" and feeling it. A library has been established in the school where books are printed in Braille, enabling the children to read and learn. Some of the books in the library are authored by alumni. Braille printing is the sole method by which blind children can deepen their knowledge, and currently, they are deprived of this opportunity.
The school doesn't ask for money, for anything more, even though it has many needs and problems; it asks for PAPER. These people ask for The school doesn't ask for money, for anything more, even though it has many needs and problems; it asks for PAPER. These people ask for paper for printing Braille so they can continue to teach children and show them the world, which they so desperately desire.
Paper was being ordered from Russia, which is impossible given the current situation. There are no producers of such paper in Ukraine, and the warehouse in Kharkiv, where the paper was stored, was bombed. The school consumes 1.5 tons of paper annually. We stand with them, we want to help, and we appeal to you, join us and help through supporting the fundraiser. You can also simply buy paper or help in any other way; every bit of assistance is worth its weight in gold.

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