After stroke i lost my job and income, now want to start my own sewing and embroidery business, but i need to buy aquipment..
After stroke i lost my job and income, now want to start my own sewing and embroidery business, but i need to buy aquipment..
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
My name is Erika, and my big dream since childhood has been to become a designer and seamstress. I have countless ideas, but due to a recent stroke, I lost my job and income. Since I have several financial commitments, returning to work in the near future seems unlikely. Therefore, I wanted to immerse myself in an activity I love and have dreamed of since childhood. Currently, I'm exploring and actively learning tailoring. However, I lack the equipment to execute sewing projects. So, if I succeed, I promise not to forget anyone who helped me bring this dream to life :)

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