Kamila and Jarek from Radochów near Lądek Zdrój need help. The recent flood has destroyed everything they had.
Kamila and Jarek from Radochów near Lądek Zdrój need help. The recent flood has destroyed everything they had.
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Opis zrzutki
Kamila and Jarek lived on Biała Lądecka river in Radochów near Lądek Zdrój. When the dam in Stronie Śląskie burst, they were without a chance and had little time to escape. Water destroyed their home and everything they had. What’s more, Jarek, a skilled carpenter, lost his workshop along with all his tools. Despite the challenges, they managed to escape, but now they are left with NOTHING. They need financial support for almost everything—from essential items to rebuilding their home. Let's help them!
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