id: 8udkrm

My little farm "Ohana"

My little farm "Ohana"

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*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

Hello, my name is Barbara and Iive on Fuerteventura. I moved 2019 with my son from germany to Fuerteventura. My dream is to create a little farm to grow fruits and vegetables. Also to help animals and to give them a home. On the canary islands are a lot of animals without home, future or they are too old to find a new home. I want to help these animal to give them a home or to help to find a new family for them. The organisations on Fuerteventura are full of animals and most if them have no more space. My little farm should be a place with hope and good life quality for the animals and for me.

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2500 znaków
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