Electricity bill
Electricity bill
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
6 months ago, my electricity was cut off due to a very high bill. The value of the invoice is 7792 RON (€1570). I tried to get this money, but I haven't succeeded yet. Considering that my electricity wire was cut from the pole and my electricity meter was also taken, the money I have collected so far only covers the reconnection fee, which is 2100 RON (€430) . My mother is sick and can't work, a quarter of the money I earn goes on her medicine, a part on food and the rest I have to pay for drinking water and household waste. Therefore, I am calling on you, those with a big heart, to help me put my electricity on, because winter will come and it is very difficult to stay without electricity. Please help me from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for everything! God be with you and many blessings.

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