id: 28735w

Empowering African Graduates: Bridging the Gap to European Opportunities

Empowering African Graduates: Bridging the Gap to European Opportunities

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*przeliczone na uśrednione wartości Euro, liczby te odnoszą się również do Polskiej wersji strony dostępnej pod domeną

Opis zrzutki

Hello! I'm Hornam, the Erasmus Mundus Coordinator for Ghana. I'm passionate about bridging the gap between recent Ghanaian graduates and graduate opportunities in Europe. By supporting our project, you're not just helping to create awareness, but you're also playing a key role in empowering these graduates to seize international opportunities. Every contribution makes a significant difference. Thank you for your generosity and belief in their potential!

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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


Wpłaty 1

Dane ukryte
1.9 €

Komentarze 2

2500 znaków