id: w3mhg3

Financial crisis for a family in need

Financial crisis for a family in need

Hva vil du samle inn penger til i dag?
*Beløp uttrykt i euro basert på den veide gjennomsnittlige satsen for donasjoner gjort i alle valutaer. For ytterligere detaljer besøk også


Dear Fundraiser,

I would like to ask your help due to a temporary financial crisis.

My husband underwent heart surgery 2 months ago unexpectedly which has left him unable to work for months, at the same time I lost my job due to illness and currently I am undergoing rheumatology treatment.

In the last 2 months we have used up what little spare money we had and are now in a very difficult situation.

I have are also 2 teenage boys, I are struggling to pay for their education.

We are anxious to get a job as soon as possible, but our health does not allow it at the moment. 

Unfortunately, our parents are no longer alive and there is no one to help us out in this difficult situation. 

Any help could be a lifesaver, we are desperate and feel helpless. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

As soon as we can get back to work, we will continue to support others.

Best Regards,

A desperate mother

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Det er ingen beskrivelse ennå.



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