„Niebo na weekend” i „Wszechświat - jakie to proste” książki z autografem drugiego Polaka w historii, który poleci w kosmos - to pozycje nie tylko dla wielbicieli astronomii.
Books about space with Sławosz Uznański's autograph "Niebo na weekend" and "Wszechświat - jakie to proste", books signed by the second Pole in history to travel to space – these titles are not just for astronomy enthusiasts.
Bids and comments 11
Endelig pris
95 €
Number of bidders: 6
Endelig pris
125 €
Number of bidders: 6
Endelig pris
50 €
Number of bidders: 2
Endelig pris
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
65 €
Number of bidders: 7
Endelig pris
140 €
Number of bidders: 7
Endelig pris
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
56 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
22 €
Number of bidders: 3
Endelig pris
70 €
Number of bidders: 5
Endelig pris
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
20 €
Number of bidders: 2
Endelig pris
75 €
Number of bidders: 5
Endelig pris
72 €
Number of bidders: 6
There are currently no other offers on this fundraiser.
Książki o kosmosie z autografem Sławosza Uznańskiego.
Final price
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
„Niebo na weekend” i „Wszechświat - jakie to proste” książki z autografem drugiego Polaka w historii, który poleci w kosmos - to pozycje nie tylko dla wielbicieli astronomii.
Books about space with Sławosz Uznański's autograph "Niebo na weekend" and "Wszechświat - jakie to proste", books signed by the second Pole in history to travel to space – these titles are not just for astronomy enthusiasts.
Bids and comments 11
Additional information
Gramy dla hematologii i onkologii dzieciecej- Sztab WOŚP Genewa
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Endelig pris
95 €
Number of bidders: 6
Endelig pris
125 €
Number of bidders: 6
Endelig pris
50 €
Number of bidders: 2
Endelig pris
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
65 €
Number of bidders: 7
Endelig pris
140 €
Number of bidders: 7
Endelig pris
55 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
56 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
22 €
Number of bidders: 3
Endelig pris
70 €
Number of bidders: 5
Endelig pris
50 €
Number of bidders: 4
Endelig pris
20 €
Number of bidders: 2
Endelig pris
75 €
Number of bidders: 5
Endelig pris
72 €
Number of bidders: 6
There are currently no other offers on this fundraiser.