id: 4sgfnr

Familie operatie

Familie operatie

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*Beløp uttrykt i euro basert på den veide gjennomsnittlige satsen for donasjoner gjort i alle valutaer. For ytterligere detaljer besøk også


I need help for orphanage every donation counts for health and a hope in the future I thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help, I will be grateful and I will pray that God gives you health and happiness with your loved ones account donation carity Beneficiar: Costel Achim

IBAN: LT92 3250 0762 0477 1365


Numele și adresa băncii: Revolut Bank UAB

Konstitucijos ave. 21B, 08130, Vilnius, Lithuania ..i am raised in an orphanage without parents i need help Thanks a lot for everything. There are few such people in the world: sympathetic, sincere and sensitive. After all, such people give others hope and selfless help, Thank you again, may God give you strength and health, the fulfillment of all dreams and prosperity in life.

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Det er ingen beskrivelse ennå.



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Kjøp, støtte, selg, legg til. Les mer

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Donasjoner 1

Fedde Posthuma
2 €


2500 tegn
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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