id: uf977r

Paying for living with my parents and for food or else I'll be kicked out and homeless

Paying for living with my parents and for food or else I'll be kicked out and homeless

Waarvoor ga jij vandaag geld inzamelen?
*Bedrag uitgedrukt in euro's op basis van de gewogen gemiddelde koers van donaties in alle valuta. Ga voor meer informatie ook naar


I am a high school student and I'm 18 years old. I live with my parents. My father and I are not in good relations and he wants to kick me out of the apartment if I don't pay the cost of living with them, food etc. I go to 2 schools and I can't find time for a job cause then I would have to drop out of school which will ruin my future completely. I am desperate and I'm begging for help because I could very possibly end up homeless. Please help me.

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