Bringing my cat life back
Bringing my cat life back
Waarvoor ga jij vandaag geld inzamelen?
This fundraiser is for my little kitty Smudge who urgently needs surgery on her skull to have a growth removed. Her surgery is scheduled for December 5th 2023. This surgery is essential for her health and lifespan. I'm begging for any help we can get! Please share this link! Please consider donating a few dollars! My kitty and I are thankful for every bit of support we receive. Smudge has been sick her whole life. She was born outside in the cold winter weather which resulted in multiple infections such as gingivitis, the growth from her skull, her overall body growth has been stunted, worms, fleas, and upper respiratory infection. I have been able to get all of her conditions healed other than this frowth and gingivitis (the gingivitis is caused by the growth). Her gingivitis hurts her mouth when she eats, grooms, and yawns. Once she receives this surgery it will finally relieve her of the pain and illness she has experienced her entire life. I believe if we all work together as a community we can free smudge of the illness that robbed her of a normal life. Thank you so much for reading and supporting my little baby kitty.

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