If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas
If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas
Waarvoor ga jij vandaag geld inzamelen?
If everyone who sees this post would send $1.30, I could celebrate Christmas and enjoy Christmas dishes. I put my IBAN here in the comments... :( Thank you ! have a wonderful Christmas, I really not asking much just 1$ will help out 🥹
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Maak een volglink om te zien welke impact jouw aandeel heeft op deze fondsenwerving.
Maak een volglink om te zien welke impact jouw aandeel heeft op deze fondsenwerving.