Sponsor 12 People: Families or 12 Children for Full Day of Fun
12 x Kids T-Shirt
12 x Crafting Art Class
12 x Tools and Materials
12 x Snacks and Drinks
12 x Lunch and Dinner
Outdoor Movie on Mega Screen
12 x Gift Bag with variety of food items and goodies to take home
For you as sponsor:
Personalized Digital Photo Album showing all sponsored events.
Lunch Voucher for a traditional Indonesian Nasi Goreng
(keep for yourself whenever you are in Indonesia or authorise
us to give it away on your behalf to any of the invited families)
29 €
100 €
107 €
10 €
299 €
20 €
214 €
589 €
399 €
Er zijn momenteel geen andere aanbiedingen op deze fondsenwerver.
Sponsor 12 People: Families or 12 Children for Full Day of Fun
295 €
Sponsor 12 People: Families or 12 Children for Full Day of Fun
12 x Kids T-Shirt
12 x Crafting Art Class
12 x Tools and Materials
12 x Snacks and Drinks
12 x Lunch and Dinner
Outdoor Movie on Mega Screen
12 x Gift Bag with variety of food items and goodies to take home
For you as sponsor:
Personalized Digital Photo Album showing all sponsored events.
Lunch Voucher for a traditional Indonesian Nasi Goreng
(keep for yourself whenever you are in Indonesia or authorise
us to give it away on your behalf to any of the invited families)
Aanvullende informatie
Neem contact op met
Log in op om een bericht te schrijven naar de persoon die de aanbieding heeft gedaan.
29 €
100 €
107 €
10 €
299 €
20 €
214 €
589 €
399 €
Er zijn momenteel geen andere aanbiedingen op deze fondsenwerver.