id: 629gsr



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*Bedrag uitgedrukt in euro's op basis van de gewogen gemiddelde koers van donaties in alle valuta. Ga voor meer informatie ook naar


Hello there😊

We are Juli and Liv, two Hungarian sisters currently residing on the island of Kos in South Greece. After renting the same house for 10years,we are being ousted from the property as the owner wants to give it to one of his foreign workers and his family. We are seeking since September and time is running out, end of December we will have to move out.

Right now in Kos it is well nigh impossible to find a place to rent - especially when you have cats like we do. (We are doing voluntary rescue work since 10 years here and thus just up and leave the island is not possible)

If we happen to raise the funds, we will be able to purchase a second hand van/minibus or caravan which we could park on a friend''s piece of land. We -and our cats- would have a roof above our heads and would not get into this terrible situation again.

This way,we would not be pressed to leave the island and could continue looking after our stray colonies.

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Er is nog geen beschrijving.


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