id: 24h2jy

Escape from a country without human rights

Escape from a country without human rights

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Hi this Greta, I am half Italian and half Czech, in 2021 during Covid I came to Srilanka to escape lockdown and extreme restrictions in Italy, things were going fine until the revolution in summer of 2022.The revolution brought to a radical government change and prices spikes of food, fuel and healthcare. My small gem business has failed as well and I had to smart small jobs around that are paid in meals but the biggest problem is that on workplaces i was getting sexual molestation. I wasn't willing to give myself around so I had to leave all of the a restaurant I met my actual husband (26 years old srilankan) we fell for each other and we decided to get married anyway, our wedding happened at my house and we managed to offer a coffe to his parents, the two witnesses (husband colleagues) and my mother. We couldn't afford to offer a lunch and the witnesses gave us the cups for the coffees. My husband is a military and airforce pilot of srilanka (SLAF), he earns 150 euros to 180 and the amount is not enough to live even half a month so I tried eating plain rice everyday however that led me to nutritional deficiency getting me hospitalised in a short time spending 1000euros gave from my mother savings for 2 days hospitalisation solely for the fact that I'm white. We moved inside the military base which is almost rent free but the conditions of living are terrible (raining inside, mold on walls, mushrooms and cold water), we sleep on the floor because we can't afford furniture, slowly after months of suffering I started showing depression symptoms that ended up in terrible panick attacks mixed with suicidal thoughts and attempts, we asked help to my family in Italy, they helped us but their capabilities are very limited, we decided to leave the airforce because the airforce wont allow him to have a second job, they are sending him far away for trainings very often and make him work from 6 am to 4 am of the next day with 3 hour sleep maximum. We evaluated all of the possibilities to improve our situations including desertion. The defence minister is holding pilots passports and they can leave the country only leaving a caution of 15k dollars to cover his trainings and education, otherwise he's not allowed to resign until he pays back the government with another 12 years of service (that anyway aren't granted because the president can decide wether they can resign or not even after finishing his mandatory years, which already happened to all of the other pilots). In this country the president holds all the power and his decisions overpower the laws as well..Many people told me to divorce and leave my husband to go to Italy but I love my husband and he takes care of me when I need him even when his superiors are doing everything to keep him away from me even when they know my situation. He's a really altruistic man with family values and I would like to gather enough money for his freedom. He didn't leave me alone during my worst times when I was totally out of my mind so I won't leave him alone now, many times he told me to just hide somewhere in the jungle and desert but that's a very risky option and he would risk jail for many years, i know he would do that for me but that is really dangerous as desertors are being persecuted. We really want to get out of this hell caused by hunger, poverty, lack of freedom, human rights, lack of empathy and mental abuse from the airforce. If you could help us, you'd be our savior and if you want further details of our situation here's my number +94 769226756.

Thankyou in advance and god bless!

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