id: rtj4jb

Payment for my Education (Masters Degree Fees)

Payment for my Education (Masters Degree Fees)

Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
*Ammont espress f'euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata tad-donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out with a humble request for financial assistance during a difficult period in my life. Over the past few months, I have encountered a series of unforeseen and overwhelming financial challenges due to which I am left in a financial distress situation where meeting my financial obligations for the payment of Tuition fees has become increasingly difficult.

I have always been someone who takes pride in their self-sufficiency and independence, but I now find myself in a position where I must seek external support to navigate this trying time. It is with a heavy heart that I reach out for assistance. I want to assure you that any assistance provided will be used judiciously towards payment of my tuition fees and work towards stabilizing my situation. I am committed to getting back on my feet, but at this moment, I require urgent support to bridge the gap.

If you have the means and willingness to help, your support would mean the world to me. Even a small contribution can make a significant difference in my current situation. Your generosity will not be forgotten, and I am fully committed to paying it forward when I am back on solid ground.

If you would like more information about my circumstances or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. Your kindness and compassion during this challenging time would provide much-needed relief and hope.


Rishi Jaswal

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.


Donazzjonijiet 1

5 €


2500 karattri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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