Repaying Student Debt
Repaying Student Debt
Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
Hi everyone! I've had some medical difficulties in the last couple of months. Due to those issues I've had hard time paying off my student debts. I have just 2500€ left to pay off but it's getting heavy and hard to do so while paying for medical treatment. I would be incredibly appreciative of any help!

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi. Find out more.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi. Find out more.