id: ptmxes

Finishes repairs on my old house, approximately 100 year old timber house. The basement is just cravel and concrete. It needs a concrete foundation, insulation, mechanical, electrical work.

Finishes repairs on my old house, approximately 100 year old timber house. The basement is just cravel and concrete. It needs a concrete foundation, insulation, mechanical, electrical work.


The basement of this 100 year old Icelandic timber house is in a deviated condition. Cravel and crumbling concrete wall are the only thing holding up the timber structure. Back in the day the basement was used to store koles fie heating.

Face one is to lover the floor to gain legal ceiling high. New flooring must be inserted by using concrete and cast iron bindings. The outer walls are in a bad condition and need restructuring, mechanical and electrical work is needed, outside and inside.

MQ2CgkmKaAo7QWW4.jpgThe plan is to use only concrete and the originally stone work as the interior look, that way I can keep the cost at minimum, and not changing the original look off the house. QmdsbenvmrSIYBBe.jpg

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Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

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Ixtri, Appoġġ, Biegħ, Żid. Aqra aktar

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