id: nvbmtf

Rent a house for a homeless

Rent a house for a homeless

Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
*Ammont espress f'euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata tad-donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


Hello everyone. I want to ask for help. In 2019 I went to Germany. The idea of the trip was to find a job and rent a place so that I could take my wife and child there with me.I spent 11 months during which it was quite difficult, of course.I also had an accident with one leg which resulted in unemployment. My boss still hadn't released a contract and hadn't paid me a cent.I filed a case in the labor court, but I had to leave Germany due to lack of funds and lost the case.During these 11 months, the woman and the child were in Bulgaria.It was difficult for me to send them money and at the same time save for accommodation.I also found out that my wife cheated on her ex while I was gone.I dropped everything to come back, but we broke up.I tried to move on and found another woman. Unfortunately, I didn't last long with her either, because my ex started judging me for all kinds of nonsense in order to bring me down.In the end, I was alone again, but I also lost my apartment and my job (because of the accusations in court). Now I have a girlfriend and a job again, but we don't have a home (we sleep wherever we find).I have been working without a contract for three years now, without health insurance.They pay me two and a half euros an hour and I work 10 hours, 12 days without a break. Then I rest for two days and then again 12 to 2.Since I wasn't making enough money, everyone left me.My ex won't let me see my son for a year now. Just judge me.She wants 10,000 euros.Sometimes it happens that I sleep in a hotel to take a shower and wash clothes...I just want to rent a place to live.My mother and father left me absolutely nothing because they were very poor.Life and prices in Bulgaria are getting higher and higher. And I am and I want to continue to be a good person and not do bad things just to survive. That's why I want your help. Thanks to everyone! It can happen to anyone..

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.



għad m'hemmx donazzjonijiet, kun l-ewwel li tagħti donazzjoni!

Għad m'hemmx donazzjonijiet, kun l-ewwel li tagħti donazzjoni!

Agħti donazzjoni


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