Help for pets
Help for pets
Appoġġa l-passjoni tiegħek. Regolarment.
We are 15 cats and 5 dogs, all rescued by our human. Our human takes great care of us from many years, but now he has difficult times.
We need food and medical care....
Our bowls are empty...
Please help our human to take care of us!
Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.
Please keep up the good work!!!
Thank you 🙏❤️