Virtual session where donors get a chance to interact with members of Snowman. This is a Q and A, a storytelling session and an unplugged performance. Donors will be mentioned by name and can request the band to play specific songs.
200 €
150 €
300 €
Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.
Virtual Meet-and-Greet Session
50 €
Virtual session where donors get a chance to interact with members of Snowman. This is a Q and A, a storytelling session and an unplugged performance. Donors will be mentioned by name and can request the band to play specific songs.
Informazzjoni addizzjonali
Idħol , għall-messaġġ Organizzatur.
Kunsinna bil-posta elettronika.
200 €
150 €
300 €
Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.