Life changing barber course
Life changing barber course
Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
After years of hard work, I've decided to change careers. I spent 10 years in the hospitality industry, and it was a wonderful decade. However, the current world situation requires me to explore different paths. I recently realized that I'm very drawn to the hairstyling profession and I've found a suitable course to pursue that. However, I need to secure the financial means for it.
I appreciate everything in advance!
Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi. Find out more.
Oħloq link ta' traċċar biex tara x'impatt għandu s-sehem tiegħek fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi. Find out more.
Offerti/irkanti 2
Ixtri, Appoġġ, Biegħ, Żid.
Ixtri, Appoġġ, Biegħ, Żid. Aqra aktar
Maħluq mill-Organizzatur:
25 €
50 €