Qed tara verżjoni tradotta bil-magna tal-Websajt tagħna. Jekk jogħġbok innota li nagħmlu dan biss għall-konvenjenza tiegħek u li l-lingwa oriġinali tal-Websajt tagħna u l-komunikazzjoni kollha tagħna hija l-Ingliż biss. Għalkemm aħna... aqra aktar nagħmlu kull sforz biex niżguraw li t-traduzzjoni tkun ta’ kwalità għolja, ma niggarantixxux li se tkun mingħajr ambigwità jew mingħajr żbalji. Jekk issib xi kontenut fuq din il-websajt inkomprensibbli, jekk jogħġbok ibdel il-lingwa tal-Websajt għall-Ingliż. Jekk tkompli tuża din il-verżjoni tradotta, kwalunkwe messaġġ li tirċievi mingħandna jiġi tradott awtomatikament fil-lingwa tiegħek fuq l-istess bażi.
Hello everyone! In my life, I never expected that this could happen and I would have to ask for help from a stranger. If everyone was compassionate and helpful, the world would be more beautiful for each of us. I am asking for your help so that I can pay for my master's studies, the amount is 5000€. I tried to apply everywhere I could, but no one has the possibility to lend such an amount. I am an orphan, I have achieved everything in life with my own hands. I lost my mother when I was 16 for reasons only known to her, but I never gave up and pursued an education to create a better future for myself. But it happened that I have to pay for my master's studies, because if I don't pay I will be expelled from the university. The university delayed the payment as long as it could, but could no longer. I am really asking for your help. I'm very worried, I can't sleep at night and I don't know how many days I've cried because I'm just in a hopeless situation.. I'm asking for each of you's help so that I will be able to continue my studies and get my master's degree. Thank you so much for all your support and help! I will be grateful for the rest of my life… 🥺🙏