id: me9tka

Tranporting my father's body from Germany to Poland

Tranporting my father's body from Germany to Poland

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*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


I am asking for your support in transporting my father's body from Germany to Poland. My dad worked there for over 30 years to provide a better life for his family. He died on July 13 in Germany at the age of 62. My dad saved me from oppression many times during his lifetime, so I want to bring him back to Poland and give him a proper burial. However, this is a difficult and costly task. In addition to the transport of the body, there are other hidden costs such as collecting and storing the body by the local funeral home, consular fees, all permits and translation of documentation from German to Polish. Any help is much appreciated ❤️

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