Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they can meet the team, explore the snail breeding, and discover firsthand our commitment to sustainability and quality
5 €
3 €
Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.
Sustainable Farm Discovery Tour
25 €
Personalized guided tour of the farm: Donors will have the exclusive opportunity to participate in a personalized guided tour of the farm, where they can meet the team, explore the snail breeding, and discover firsthand our commitment to sustainability and quality
Informazzjoni addizzjonali
Idħol , biex tiċċekkja n-numru tat-telefon.
Pickup personalment
Villanova d'Asti
Ara fuq il-mappa
5 €
3 €
Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.