id: je5h4m

Christmas gift for Malawian Child

Christmas gift for Malawian Child

Appoġġa l-passjoni tiegħek. Regolarment.


Tonga children will receive individual gifts, including: hygiene products, school supplies, a bag of rice and beans, and sweets.Traditionally, we will prepare an exquisite dinner with chicken

The value of one gift is 15 Euro and we intend to give a minimum of 100 sets.

During the Christmas holiday season, on your behalf, we intend to give Christmas gifts to children living in one of the poorest countries in the world - Malawi. In the warm heart of Africa, home to millions of children who fight for survival every day. Traditionally, we will prepare an exquisite dinner with chicken as the main ingredient. Tonga children will receive individual gifts, including: hygiene products, school supplies, a bag of rice and beans, and sweets. The value of one gift is 15 Euro and we intend to give a minimum of 100 sets. So we need 1500 Euro. Gifts will also be prepared for the elderly and lonely people. We encourage you to purchase from our auction, where the money will be donated to purchase Christmas gifts. We would like to thank everyone who donate at least one set from the warmest hearts. We guarantee the sincerest smile of gratitude from the heart of Africa from Malawi. The Tonga Child package can be purchased here.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Benefiċċji ta' donazzjonijiet rikorrenti:
L-Organizzatur jirċievi 100% tal-fondi tiegħek - aħna ma nitolbu ebda ħlas
Inti tibqa 'kontroll sħiħ - tista' twaqqaf l-appoġġ fi kwalunkwe ħin mingħajr ebda obbligu
L-Organizzatur jista' jiffoka bis-sħiħ fuq ix-xogħol tiegħu
Ikollok aċċess permanenti għall-karigi u distinzjoni speċjali
M'għandekx għalfejn tiftakar dwar il-ħlasijiet li jmiss
Huwa aktar faċli milli taħseb :)
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