id: j5vxyg

Driving a tuk-tuk through Sri Lanka to raise money for a local pre-school charity

Driving a tuk-tuk through Sri Lanka to raise money for a local pre-school charity

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*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


3 wheels, 2 people, 1 country... and a week of adventuring madness!

We are Tharina and Luka, aka team Just Keep Tukkin'. We'll be driving a rickety ol' tuk-tuk for 650-odd kms through the jungles, tea fields, and back streets of Sri Lanka in March this year in the official Rickshaw Run (organised by The Adventurists).

There are only 3 rules:

  • There is no set route, only a start point and an end point
  • You are on your own, fully unsupported, with no back-ups
  • Raise at least €500 for charity

Off-road tracks, mountain roads, jungles, elephants, beaches, remote national parks, local food, and some of the nicest people on Earth are just a few of the things that await us! The only thing more exciting than the thought of traversing a country in a glorified lawnmower is raising money for an awesome local charity that supports vulnerable Sri Lankan Children.

We are raising money for The Sunshine Charity. They operate a day-care and preschool for disadvantaged children and families and take a holistic approach to supporting an entire community. We are proud to be supporting, and excited to be visiting a local charity that makes a direct impact on the ground. We are super grateful for any contribution you can make to help us support this wonderful cause and hopefully smash our fundraising goal! Also keep an eye out on the 'Rewards' you can purchase with your donation, as we'll be adding to these!


Tharina and Luka

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Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

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Niżżel l- app mobbli u iġbor fondi għall-mira tiegħek tkun fejn tkun!

Offerti/irkanti 3

Ixtri, Appoġġ.

Ixtri, Appoġġ. Aqra aktar

Maħluq mill-Organizzatur:
Autographs & Uniques • Other
Just Keep Tukkin' Sticker and a unique poem about you ♥️
Not only will we send you one of these marvelously great looking Just Keep Tukkin' stickers, but, we'll also write a unique poem about you and your aw...

25 €

Sold: 5 out of 20

Autographs & Uniques • Unique
Receive a postcard from us from Sri Lanka!
Donate €40 to receive a real, old-fashioned, hand-written postcard, written by us while we are on the Rickshaw Run in Sri Lanka.

40 €

Sold: 3

Art & Craft • Other
Fine Art Print of a photo taken by Luka Goy during the Rickshaw Run
What is this?Besides getting lost in the tea fields of Sri Lanka, Luka will be happily snapping away with his camera. By purchasing this offer you wil...

90 €

Sold: 1


Kummenti 9

2500 karattri
    Utent anonimu

    Looks so exciting - look forward to hearing from you! I promise not to stalk tooo much!
    Enjoy and keep on tuk'ing!

    40 €
  • A&
    Emily & Olivia


    30 €
  • A&
    Andy & Laura

    Look forward to the pics & voice notes!!
    I’ll keep you up to date with all the netball scores whilst you’re away!

    70 €
    • Luca Goy

      You know it'll happen! Voice notes might have more of a mechanical droning noise in the background than usual ... 🛺 Look forward to our daily netball updates!

  • MC
    Morgyn Cliff

    I hope it’s an absolute blast!!! Have fun out there!

    100 €
    • Luca Goy

      Morgyn you ledge!! Fun shall be had! And I'll do my best to get a good photo selection for ya. If all else fails, I'm sure you'd love a fine art print of T's face. I have a good one in memory where you each have about 5 chins 😆

    Utent anonimu

    Go you good things! 🧡✨

    100 €