id: gugykm

Project Harmony: Music Instruments for Underprivileged Youth

Project Harmony: Music Instruments for Underprivileged Youth

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Tune into a brighter future with Project Harmony, an initiative spearheaded by Harmony Foundation Bulgaria, dedicated to providing music instruments to underprivileged youth in Sofia, Bulgaria. Your generous donation will offer these young individuals a chance to explore the world of music and unleash their creativity.

Project Breakdown:

- Your contribution will directly fund the purchase of musical instruments, including guitars, keyboards, drums, and more, ensuring a diverse musical experience for the beneficiaries.

- Additionally, a portion of the funds will cover associated expenses such as instrument maintenance, music lessons, and workshops.


- Harmony Foundation Bulgaria is committed to transparency. Donors will receive regular updates showcasing the progress of the project, providing insights into the instruments acquired and the positive impact on the lives of these aspiring musicians.

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2500 karattri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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