
“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution! 🙏

As a small token of appreciation for your support, you will receive a coloring book specially designed for children aged 4-6. It features well-outlined images that stimulate children’s creativity, coordination, and imagination.”

Dan il-bejjiegħ bħalissa m'għandux offerti.

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.

Coloring book

7 €


“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution! 🙏

As a small token of appreciation for your support, you will receive a coloring book specially designed for children aged 4-6. It features well-outlined images that stimulate children’s creativity, coordination, and imagination.”

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Dan il-bejjiegħ bħalissa m'għandux offerti.

Bħalissa m'hemm l-ebda offerta oħra fuq din il-ġbir ta' fondi.