id: efz4pz

Newport Festive Lights

Newport Festive Lights

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Hi All

Newport Festive Lights is a not for profit organisation that has been in operation since 2004.

Each year with the help of Tipperary County Council funding and generous donations and support from the business and the local community we are able to light up Newport for the Christmas period. This year there is a real danger that we will not have enough funding to switch on the Christmas Lights and this annual event will not take place.

Funding has always been very limited and one of the limiting factors in expanding the Newport Festive lights. We would like to light up other areas in the town, and with your help and support we would love to see this tradition to continue and grow over the coming years. We feel that everyone can agree that this is a lovely tradition that really adds some festive cheer for the whole community.

Please Click on the link to donate what you can and any support is greatly appreciated

Thank you

Newport Festive Lights Committee

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