id: dz7kwe

Create 'safe AI' education blog/website

Create 'safe AI' education blog/website

Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
Oħloq ġbir ta’ fondi
*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


There is no turning back, but is the world aware of all dangerous consequences of uncritical pursuit to deliver and use the AI by people?

I want to share my love to the AI projects, yet reasonably delivered to our societies.

Let's share knowledge, development standards, involve social sciences, psychological science to develop safe and human alike AI. For our future.

The website or blog will be live to match the development of AI tempo or faster, because I will aim to spearhead all related to responsible AI approaches.

We will hold big fishes accountable and we try to make them open and reflective. For good.

I've got IT knowledge and experience. I am also a good communicator. With broader support it is a doable project and I am persistent. Help me help us!

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.


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Niżżel l- app mobbli u iġbor fondi għall-mira tiegħek tkun fejn tkun!

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