id: dyyhhm

Cure my self

Cure my self

Għal xiex se tiġbor fondi llum?
Oħloq ġbir ta’ fondi
*Ammont espress f’euro bbażat fuq ir-rata medja peżata ta’ donazzjonijiet magħmula fil-muniti kollha. Għal aktar dettalji żur ukoll


Hello, Nicholas here.

Im trying to raise money to pay for doctors and medication to cure my mental issues and deseases i have.

I always had a hard time since I was adopted, but never really accepted it or wanted to talk about it. I have now got to a point where depression is killing me and is impacting my life in a crucial way. I have been thinking of suicide for so long..I am lonely, i am sad, and im broke. I feel ashamed of my self and i feel like life is trying to escape from me.

I only recently realized how bad and serious my situation is. I started seeing a psycotherapist on monday, and i would like to continue, but I cant afford to see her again, or get medication and take time off work to be cured in hospital without help. I dont have money.. im actually broke. I have worked in call centers for the last 5 years. I love helping people and hering their gratitued for my efforts, its fulfilling. But my income is barely enough to pay rent and food. I realize my cause is not as important or noble as many others who are much more in need than me. Unfortunately I do not have other options to find the money and time I need to fix my life. To you dear reader who found the time to hear my story I can only say thank you. And weather you are able to help or not, i hope you have a happy and healthy life. Everyone diserves it.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.

Għad m'hemm l-ebda deskrizzjoni.


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Niżżel l- app mobbli u iġbor fondi għall-mira tiegħek tkun fejn tkun!


Ixtri, Appoġġ, Biegħ, Żid.

Ixtri, Appoġġ, Biegħ, Żid. Aqra aktar

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